The Latest From The Bottom Line Blog

What Is Recurring Revenue & Why Do You Need It?
Recurring revenue is the revenue you can depend on generating, year after year, with a high degree of certainty. For example, you might bundle offers into a monthly subscription. You could launch a points system that encourages loyalty (and recurring revenue) with...

How To Get Paid Faster
Maintaining a positive cash flow can be challenging for small businesses, whether you’re just starting out or have been running your company for years. The difficulty often comes down to waiting for clients to pay their invoices. One or two chronic late payers cost...

8 Characteristics Of Successful Small Businesses
When you are a small business owner, you usually start by doing everything by yourself. There's no one to tell you whether your business decisions are making a difference. You have lots of customers, and you're making money. Your staff seems happy to come to work, and...


Content Planner Workbook
Cut through the clutter and give your clients the information they need.